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When you’re in the market of looking for a dumpster to rent, whether you need it for long term use, or you have an event this weekend and know you’ll have more trash than you will be able to handle otherwise, you want to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Everyone is looking for a deal. But the lowest price may not actually be as low as it seems.

Dumpster size


The size of the container or dumpster that you need will be a big factor when it comes to how much you can expect to spend on a dumpster. At Western Elite, you can rent a wide range of dumpsters, from a Lowboy dumpster to a 40 yard dumpster. What are your needs? Lowboy dumpsters are for things like sod, brick, dirt, etc. You can find a dumpster from anywhere between $375 and $455 on our website.


Length of dumpster rental


How long are you going to need to rent this dumpster? Every site you look at will have a different range of rental periods. This can greatly impact your decision. The longer you rent the dumpster, the more expensive it will be. However, for long period rentals, you may be eligible for a discounted rate. A pretty standard length of time for a dumpster rental is about 15 days.




At the end of the day, you pay for what you get. When you combine all of the different factors, you’re left with the value of what you’re purchasing. Is a convenient delivery and pickup worth more money to you? Is accomodating for a specific rental period worth going with one vendor over another? Consider the value of what you’re looking for.


Beware of prices that seem too low, and surprise fees


There is no definite answer to how much a dumpster will cost you to rent. With Western Elite, there are never any surprise fees, and we’re upfront with you about the cost.