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A great part about being parents is the chance we have to teach our children and grandchildren about sustainability. A huge responsibility we carry is showing our youth the importance of reducing their negative impact on our planet. Teaching and promoting sustainable habits can ensure that our youth make better decisions for their future and our own. Many parents think that if they haven’t started teaching these habits from a very young age, there’s no chance to teach them later on in life, but remember, it’s never too late to get your children thinking about a more sustainable way of life.

Make Habits Fun for the Whole Family

Trying to promote a sustainable habit? Try making it fun for the whole family and make sure to involve everyone. An easy habit to start with is simply reducing plastic waste by using reusable water bottles. Not only can it be fun to personalize reusable bottles as a family, but you can use that time to talk to your children about the importance of reducing their waste, even if it’s just by performing a simple task every day. 

Make a Family Garden

No matter where you live, in a condo, home, or downtown apartment, there’s worth in creating a small garden to care for. Don’t have room in your home or don’t have a backyard? Seek out a community garden space that you and your young ones can visit on a weekly basis. Whether you’re using that garden to go plants or food, you’re showing your children the importance of being self-resilient, and educating them on how produce and flowers grow. This is a chance to teach your child how to make their own soil and show them how healthy soil can benefit their bodies.

Upcycle as a Family Project

From old clothing to new toys, there’s a lot we need to provide for our children. But with all of these new purchases, we tend not to know what to do with the old. Of course, donating clothing and toys is always a great option, but don’t only limit yourself to that. You can also find ways to upcycle old journals, cardboard, cartons, toys, and clothing into other crafts and projects. Pinterest is filled with ideas on how to get the most out of old or unwanted belongings that are more responsible than leaving them in the trash.

There are so many things we can do to remind our kids every day that there’s something they can do, even if it’s a small action, to change their environment for the better. By simply participating as a family, you can make sure your children pay attention to their actions. Start by teaching your kids the importance of sustainable thinking, taking small actions at home, and finally, outside of it.