If you’re getting ready for a big moving day, then you’ve probably got a good deal of stress on your hands. However, it’s important to note that moving usually creates a great deal of waste. Reducing the amount of waste that you create when you move is not only environmentally friendly, it’s also helps you save money on moving expenses. Here are some tips on how to cut down on the amount of waste generated by your move…
Save your boxes when you move
Cardboard boxes start to add up, in terms of materials and money spent, when you need to purchase them every time you move. For this reason, try saving your leftover boxes after a move so that you can use them later. When you break them down, they can easily be stored without taking up much space. If you don’t have any leftover boxes from your previous move, ask around to see if any friends or family have leftover boxes, or even check with some local business if you can use shipping packages they were planning on tossing.
Use newspaper, instead of packing paper
When packing your belongings, using packing paper helps keep things neatly tucked away and safe. However, purchasing paper specifically used for packing is a little bit overkill. Old newspapers will have the same effect as packing paper, but without costing you anything extra or wasting more paper. If you don’t have any newspaper around, you can also use t-shirts or towels to accomplish the same thing.
Use linen bags that you have
When you are moving, putting your clothes into boxes is going to make you use a lot more cardboard than you need to. Cut down on the amount of boxes you need by putting clothes, or other soft items, into bags that you already own, like suitcases. You can also use reusable grocery bags that you already know to pack more of your belongings without using boxes.
Donate or recycle what you get rid of
People tend to clean out a lot of their living space when they move. Moving provides an excellent opportunity to cut down on the amount of belongings that a person has, but doesn’t need. Whatever you do, don’t throw these belongings away. Most things can either be donated, recycled, or even sold in a yard sale if that’s what you prefer, but don’t toss something just because you are personally done with it.